Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Chapter Seventeen - Court Is Adjourned!!!

September 11th:

With the anticipation and nerves associated with knowing that we were just a few hours away from our court date; needless to say, Rachelle and I did not sleep very well.  Plus the beds here are not all that comfortable either.

We got ready and loaded up our baggage in Sasha's car shortly before 9:15 am.  We went inside and enjoyed a juice and a cup of coffee, still trying to rid ourselves of some of the nerves.  After we were finished we left and went on to the Courthouse.  

We arrived about 25 minutes before 10:00 am,  just to find out that the clerk that told Sasha 10:00 am yesterday, now is saying that it is at 10:30 am.  We sat upstairs in a hallway and just waited it out.  The ladies in the office in that area were constantly on the move.  Shortly before 10:00, the Inspector and the Orphanage Director showed up.  Rachelle and I sat across the hallway from them and with Sasha's help we had many conversations.  This helped ease some of our nerves, until of course the Court Clerk requested that we follow her back downstairs to the Court Room.

We walked in and sat down at our bench, the Inspector and Orphanage Director on the other side of the isle.  The Prosecutor and two Witnesses sat on a bench directly in front of the Inspector and Director with the Judges Bench on the opposite side of the room facing us.  We all stood until he entered and sat down, and then we followed.

The proceeding was very thorough.  He addressed the entire court all of the while Sasha was translating for me and Rachelle.  Shortly after introductions, we knew that he would address me and then address Rachelle.  Here we go, I stood up answering a few questions and then it was her turn to stand up and do the same.  Then it was the Inspector's turn and then on to the DIrector and concluding with the Prosecutor.  When the Inspector was addressing the Court, she actually talked about his biological mother losing her Parental Rights.   It was so humbling and moving that the Director actually made a comment that it was in the best interest of Vanya for him to be adopted to us, and even addressed us by name. 

The Judge went over the complete context of the Dossier, and explained to the Witnesses what exactly was involved in these documents.  After he concluded that everything was present, he requested that the Prosector acknowledge that as well and she did.

He then addressed me asking what we are asking of the Court.  I requested from the Judge that we would like to File the Petition for Adoption.  That we request that his name to be changed from his current name to Vanya Michael Fuller.  That we also request that the Birth Certificate Records be changed as well showing Rachelle and myself as his parents. 

He then asked all of those I have listed above if they agree that this Court Proceeding was just and that they agree with the terms herein.  All agreed and he went out to confirm the ruling, followed by the Prosecutor and the two witnesses.  Both the Inspector and the Orphanage Director came over and shook our hands and smiled with "thumbs up".  The Court Clerk actually made a comment that at the last Adoption proceeding the Adoption Facilitator, equivalent to Sasha practically had to hold the people up when they were talking because they were so nervous.  She was very impressed how calm we were.  Calm???  I was sweating bullets, and so was Rachelle.  

The Prosector re-entered the room after a short recess with the Judge.  About 5 minutes later, he returned with the two Witnesses.  As we were standing he ruled that our Request to File the Petition for Adoption was Approved.  He ruled that his name shall be changed to Vanya Michael Fuller.  He also ruled that Vanya's Birth Certificate shall be changed to show us as his parents.  Concluding that the Adoption shall be Approved and that after a duration of ten days, we can get a copy of the Decree, needed to finalize Birth Certificate and Passport.  Court Adjourned!!!

What a relief!!!  We left the Court House and took the Orphanage Director back to the Orphanage.  Rachelle and I got to play with Vanya for about 30 minutes while her and Sasha talked.  She told us that she was SO VERY HAPPY that Vanya was going to be going home with us in a few weeks.  When we left the Orphanage, Vanya was in the Director's lap waving and saying "Bye Bye" and blowing us kisses.  How AWESOME is THAT?!?1

Knowing that Rachelle had some reports that she needed to work on, we practically went straight thru to Kiev, except for stopping to eat a late lunch.  We are in a different apartment in Downtown Kiev; just around the corner from TGIFriday's, so that is where we had to eat dinner. Rachelle finished her reports and it's after midnight....we are off to bed. What an amazing day! Thank You Lord!

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