Monday, September 3, 2012

Chapter Eleven - Waiting For SDA Approval

After we got up and around this morning, we decided to revisit the Patio Restaurant we went to yesterday, especially since it was another Beautiful Day.  Shortly after lunch Sasha called and told us that the Documents have been filed at the SDA and now we are awaiting their approval to go back to the Luts'k Area to confirm our Court Date.  Waiting around for this process is two fold.  One part it is nice to be able to relax; something Rachelle and I haven't been able to do for some time.  The other part is the longer we sit around and wait, the longer our stay over here is going to be.  We are definitely in the Calm Before the Storm, once we get Vanya home with Andrew, and  then add Dylan to the mix...HOLD ON!!!  

We went back to the apartment for a few minutes after lunch and decided to go to the store.  We stopped at the bank on the way and exchanged our USD's for the Ukrainian Hryvania's.  When the exchange rate is One Dollar for every Eight plus Hyrvnia's, it is good to know that the Dollar is holding steady for the past couple of weeks.  While we were at the store, we had a little difficulty talking to the lady behind the counter, however after a short amount of time we were able to piece together what she was asking; little bag or big bag.

Rachelle has not been feeling that well today, and we are almost positive that it may have to do with the food from Sasha's parents with the combination of the different foods here in Ukraine as well as the long drive.  Her or our systems are just not used to some of the Ukrainian cuisine.  She is resting now and hopefully she will feel better when she gets up.

Sasha was going to meet with us after lunch, but he had a personal item he needed his attention.  Hopefully we will be able to get a better schedule from him so we can start thinking about booking our return flights.  From what we understand that once the Petition for Adoption goes before the Judge in the Luts'k area Court, then there will be a ten day waiting period.  I am not sure if we can start the VISA and Passport proceedings before then, or if we have to wait until we have to come back after the ten days to start that process.  

Not really looking forward to booking two flights home, then two flights back in two weeks, stay another week to ten days  and then two adult flights and one child flight back.  To cut down on Airfare: one thought was for me to stay here while Rachelle goes back home, however I am not sure I want Rachelle flying home by herself.  The Great Thing is that last flight, Vanya will be headed to his new HOME!!!

God has prepared the way up to this point both in Favor with Man as well as Favor with Finances.  He has brought us to this point and he will help us and bring us through the other side.  I ask that He grants us BOTH with His Wisdom to know what His Plan is and the Courage to walk it out in Faith!!!

We hope everyone had a Super Labor Day!!!

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