Thursday, October 11, 2012

Chapter Twenty-Five - Finally, Vanya is with Daddy

October 10th:

I set my alarm for a couple of different times throughout the night that matched up to times where I could talk and text Rachelle.  Yesterday was especially one of those days when I wish she would have been here more than the rest.  Andrew hasn't been sleeping very well since I have been gone.

I was also able to call in and listen to the discussion portion of a Small Group I am involved in at Victory Edmond.  It still amazes me that I can be this far away, and yet after a couple of phone calls and text messages I feel like I am right at home.

Sasha and I left the Hotel around 8:00 am, glad I made myself go back to sleep and get some sleep.  We went to a coffee shop in Luts'k waiting for the Passport office to open.  I had a bacon and egg sandwich and a couple of cups of coffee.  Sasha was told that the Passport would be ready after 10:00 am, but he called the lady about 30 minutes before and she told him that it was ready.  SWEET!!!  After a few signatures and initials here and there on some forms, PASSPORT WAS IN HAND!!!

We then went to the Orphanage to pick Vanya up.  On the way there it still moves me that I was actually picking up this little boy and was in a few days be taking him HOME!!!

The Orphanage Director was SO HAPPY to see us.  I handed her a backpack of clothes and one of the staff there went upstairs to get him ready.  After a short while, here he was dressed in NORMAL clothes and ready to go.  Vanya and I took a picture with the Orphanage Director and then off we were. 

He sat in the seat so quiet and calm.  He would look out the window and just watch.  During the trip, I told Sasha that I can't imagine what is going through his mind right now.  Especially after the first hour in the car knowing that he had only been transported around ing a close proximity from the Orphanage.  

We were about an hour and a half outside of Luts'k when Sasha and the two cars in front of us got pulled over.  We had no idea why they pulled us over, but once we found out it was a Blessing!  Two cars in front of us missed the little small sign directing traffic to merge back over to the double East bound lane, and Sasha nor I saw the sign either.  Kind of convenient that the Police were stationed at this area, felt like a trap.  Vanya and I waited in the car while Sasha got out and talked to the Police.  He had to wait his turn, as he was the 3rd car that was pulled over.  After about 20 minutes of waiting in the car it started to get a little unnerving.  The ONLY guy that knows how to close this Adoption out just got pulled over for essentially going the wrong way on a highway.  FINALLY he was back in the car and on our way to Kiev we were once again.

As always, whenever travel to and from Luts'k from Kiev, Sasha has to stop at his parents house.  The issue I had was that it was close to 3:00 pm by the time we got there.  I know I was hungry and I couldn't imagine how hungry Vanya might be.  Sometimes Sasha's personal agenda's conflict with why I am over here.  So after about an hour at being at his parents house, with his mom continuing to add more and more stuff for him to take, I finally hit my boiling point.  I told him very firmly without loosing my cool that I was ready to get back on the road and I want to get settled into an apartment I haven't been in before with a little boy before it gets too much after dark.  I told him that we have yet to go to the store to get groceries for Vanya and myself and it is time to go.  Sasha did not take it too well.  We left shortly after and he didn't have much to say for the remaining two and a half hours we had remaining on our trip.  After about 45 minutes, I told him that if he was mad at me then I was sorry for that, however for him to put himself in my shoes for a minute then hopefully he would understand.

Once we arrived in Kiev, we went to the store and then to the Apartment.  Ah, a sigh of relief.  Vanya and I got acclimated, I fixed a late dinner as now it was after 7:00 pm.  The apartment has couple of doors leading into the bedroom, with the television in there.  There is a love seat in the little room just off the kitchen.  I took the cushions off of it and with the extra quilt made a bed for Vanya on the floor of the bedroom.  I found an English music station kept it there on low volume.  Before I knew it he was out and ended up sleeping all night. 

I got up a couple of times to talk to Rachelle and Andrew, filling her in on the events of the day.  Basically I have a couple of more days and I am SO READY TO BE BACK HOME TO STAY!!!

Thursday is Medical Appointment and the US Embassy appointment at 10:30 am to go over the documents and schedule the interview for Friday.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Chapter Twenty-Four - Finalizing Paperwork was Enough in Itself

October 9th:

I was able to touch base with a couple of guys from church last night after I woke up at 2:00 am so I could talk to Rachelle and Andrew via Tango.

I was able to finally fall back asleep around 4:30 am just for my alarm to go off a couple of hours later.  I Tango'd Rachelle again as she was winding down before bed.  It is really nice to be able to talk to her while I am over here.  Apparently the "Unlimited Data Cards" that I thought that we bought were in fact limited.  Our conversation was cut short and I was unable to reconnect to the wifi.  Looks like I will be buying another one and may have to cut down on the video calling and switch to the old fashion version of phone call or text message.

After getting ready, Sasha and I loaded up to go to the Orphanage to work on finalizing some documents.  I was able to see a copy of Vanya's Birth Certificate. We arrived at the Orphanage shortly after 8:00 am and had to wait for the Director and the Orphanage Lawyer.  Upon their arrival, Sasha worked diligently with them while I sat in the background without a clue of what they were saying.  There was time where they brought the two of us coffee and bread.  After we were done, Sasha went looking for them.  I was actually in the Directors office for close to 30 minutes by myself.  The DIrector would come in and great me, get something from her desk and off she would go.

In the background I could hear that some of the children were enjoying music time.  They were singing along with the teacher and it was a pleasant sound filling up the hallways.

Sasha and one of the Orphanages Lawyers went with us to a Local Building to start some of the finalization process.  After we were done there, we dropped her back off at her office for a short period so we could go check on the status of Vanya's Passport.  Unfortunately we found out that it will not be ready in Luts'k until tomorrow, Wednesday.  Just like that our plans changed to picking up the Passport in Luts'k mid morning tomorrow, then we will come pick Vanya up and head to Kiev.

After running a couple of other errands we went and picked Yulia back up.   We had to stop at the Courthouse where Rachelle and I had our Adoption Hearing. They went in while I waited out in the car.  The last time we were there is when the Judge officially approved our adoption of Vanya.  

When they got back, off to Luts'k we were headed to finalize another document.  This is where things started getting interesting, to say the least.  The people who were in charge denied our request stating that BOTH PARENTS had to be present to complete this process.  Uh, a little difficult to do that with Rachelle not here.  The place we were at was essentially the same as were we were earlier, just in a different town.  The good thing, if there was one is that this is just a formality, not a requirement and won't hold up the process of me bringing him home. 

Not taking "No" for an answer, we went up to the Manager and after a brief discussion, she then in turn put him on the phone with someone.  Sure wish I could have understood that conversation.   The lady from downstairs came barging in with a piece of paper, handed it to Sasha and then off she was just as fast as she got there.  At first glance it appeared that due to the body language of Sasha and Yulia that we were stuck, meaning that the Office where we were earlier should not have approved our document.  We were turned away again.

We went back to the car and picked up the Temporary Power of Attorney that Rachelle and I signed during the beginning of this process.  Then we went to the Office where the Lawyers were to plead our case.  The head lawyer appeared to have already had his mind made up without listening to what Sasha and Yulia had to say.  He was saying that BOTH PARENTS need to be here unless I have a document showing that Rachelle signed over Power of Attorney to me.  CRAP!!!  I have a copy of that, back HOME!!!  That was one of the original documents that was inclusive in our Dossier.  But since the Court process was done, neither Sasha, Rachelle or I thought that we would need it for this.  There were many things that Sasha was able to do in our absence with the Temporary Power of Attorney Rachelle and I signed at the beginning of this entire process, but this ONE GUY is saying that this will not work.  I began to Pray asking Favor over this situation.  That something that was able to work previous, should be able to work again.  That the Holy Spirit would move over this gentleman, or that Sasha and Yulia would be able to say it in a way where he would approve of the situation.  There were also two other Lawyers in the office.  I prayed that their influence would also be used to change this situation.  Finally after about an hour it happened, he changed his mind!  He approved that Sasha could sign for Rachelle using the Temporary Power of Attorney and that I could sign for myself.  Thank you JESUS!!! 

Then back to the original office we were, with the Lawyers signature in hand approving of our request.  However the person that we met with first was not there initially, so Sasha and Yulia had to explain the entire scenario for like the 5th time.  We had been trying to get this process done for practically six hours...

On the way back from Luts'k, we stopped back by the Orphanage to deliver a copy of the approved documents.  When we pulled up, the kiddo's were heading outside to play.  I was standing there and Vanya walked up to me and threw his hands up.  What an AWESOME feeling that was!!!  All of the stress from the day started fading away.  Sasha and Yulia went on inside as Vanya and I played out in the Courtyard.  He grabbed my hand taking from place to place until he noticed that one of the tricycles had been abandoned.  So off we went, him riding it and me pulling it from the handle bars.  His feet were on the pedals moving it, but at first he was letting me provide all of the power.  I slowly backed off until I just had my finger on the handle bars and he just pedaled away.  We got to play for probably 20 minutes or so, then it was time for me to leave once again.  He kept pointing at the car and I told him that we would come back and pick him up tomorrow.  That this should be the last night he stays here if everything goes as planned tomorrow.  I picked him up and gave him a HUGE Hug...

Sasha and I were exhausted to say the least.  I was very thankful and expressed that to both Sasha and Yulia.  They would not take "No" for an answer.

I was able to get Wifi again when we got back to the Hotel.  I called Rachelle telling her of the above events that she missed while she was sleeping.  However she wasn't sleeping much.  Andrew was up and down again all night.  I guess he knows that something isn't the same when I am not there.

The plan is that we will go pick up the Passport mid morning tomorrow, go pick Vanya up from the Orphanage and then head to  Luts'k.  


Chapter Twenty-Three - Yet Another Day of Travel

October 8th

After staying at Sasha's house last night, we got up and left his house before 7:30 am.  I don't know if it was because it was raining or if it was because it was Monday, but traffic was packed trying to get out of Kiev.  After a quick stop for fuel when we got to the outskirts of town, Luts'k bound we were.

Just like every trip Rachelle and I took out there before, we stopped at Sasha's parents house.  It is right at half way and gives an opportunity to get out, stretch our legs and for a bonus, he gets to see his parents.  We had lunch and stayed for a little under an hour.  His dad had fallen in the shower.  His right eye was black and blue like he got in a fist fight with someone.  His mother had just recently lost her older brother, so she was talking to Sasha about that as well.

After his mom Blessing Us as we walked to the car, on the road again we were.  Up to this point it had been cold and rainy all day.  The sun decided to come out and it was either that or a combination of that and the Orthodox Church podcast we were listening to that caused me to doze off.  He hit the brakes a couple of times to wake me up, but after about the 3td time I think he gave up.  When the clouds came back and it cooled off, I was awake again.

We finally arrived in the little community North of Luts'k where Vanya is from and got our Hotel rooms for the night.  We checked in our rooms and Sasha wanted to rest for a couple of hours prior to going downstairs to eat.  This provided me the opportunity to text Rachelle to see how her and Andrew were doing.  She told me that he started coughing throughout the night, so after some med's and in bed with her he was out.  I took a little bit of a nap myself before Sasha and I went downstairs and had a pizza.

Tomorrow, Tuesday is a BIG DAY!  We will be leaving early in the morning to go take care of some documents and he will call to check on Vanya's Passport.  Dependent upon when we get the Passport, depends on when we will go pick Vanya up and close-out the process at the Orphanage.  If everything goes well, by this time tomorrow; I will have Vanya here with me.  HOW AWESOME IS THAT?!

Monday, October 8, 2012

Chapter Twenty-Two - Traveling is ALWAYS an Adventure in Itself

October 6th and 7th

The feeling was little different leaving OKC this time.  Knowing that I would be definitely bringing Vanya home has both excitement and anticipation to go along with it.  To try to save some money, it was cheaper to book a round trip ticket for Vanya.  Also, to save money on both plane tickets, food as well as keep money coming in; Rachelle and I decided that it would be best for her to stay home.  After the last trip, Andrew and his Mommy really started missing each other and we felt that it was better for her to stay home with him, money aside.

We made it to Will Rogers Airport in OKC a little under 2 hours before departure.  We walked up to the check-in desk and explained to the airline that Vanya wouldn't be on this leg, however would be on the return flight.  That is when they dropped the bomb on us.  According to them, his entire flight itinerary would be cancelled since he is not on this flight.  They can make a note for them to hold his seat, however this is not a guarantee.  I would need to contact the other Airline, Lufthansa Airlines when I arrive in Washington DC to see if they would be able to hold the seat.  THIS IS NOT THE WAY I WANTED TO START THE TRIP!!!

It was hard enough that Rachelle was staying home, but now add this to equation.  I reached out to a couple of close friends (more like Brothers) for some prayer and Rachelle to a couple of her "Sisters".  The texts came back almost as quick as we could hit send confirming that our path has been prepared and God has this covered.  Such an AWESOME support when you need it the most!!!

Rachelle, Andrew and I said our "Good-Bye's" and off through the Security Checkpoint I went.  I had just got done getting all of my belongings back in order when Rachelle texted me telling me that it will all be OK and this just gives me something else to Blog about.

After waiting around for a little over an hour, I was on the plane headed for DC.  My seat was  on the last row, window side.  Apparently the flight was short of some people and the Flight Attendant asked me and the two other people sitting in the back row if we wanted to move up to the "Exit" row to balance out the plane.  Knowing that there is usually a little more leg room, up and forward I went.  A little more leg room?  How about a HUGE amount of leg room!  I could stretch my legs and could barely touch the supports for the seat in front of me.

I landed in DC and through a maze of escalators and trams, I was at the right Terminal in no time.  The first thing I did was went up to the Lufthansa desk and inquired about Vanya's flight reservation for the way home.  The lady assured me that his seat was secured  and even told me the row and seat numbers for the returning flights.  THANK YOU JESUS!!!  I know that our Journey to this point has been Blessed and we have had Favor in every aspect.  Perhaps a little test opening up our eyes to see if we still trust Him as we complete this process.  

Upon boarding the 747 my first impression of the airplane is this is Really Nice.  Each chair back had its own monitor.  I drew one of the middle seats in a four wide section in the middle of the plane.  As people were coming in, the seat next to me in the middle remained empty.  Could this be that Vanya's seat would indeed stay open giving me more room?  Sure enough, the seat was open the entire time and it sure was nice having a little more room.

The service on the flight was the BEST I had ever experienced when flying domestic or international.  Rachelle and I had heard great things about Lufthansa, it was nice to experience it for myself.  I hope that the planes that Vanya and I get coming home are just like this!

During the flight, I selected to watch one of Andrew's favorite movies, SHREK.  It kinda felt like I was home, except for Andrew acting out almost every scene.  I actually dozed off for probably half of the movie.

After landing in Frankfurt, Germany; I was walking through the terminal when I saw a woman wearing an OSU BIG XII Football Championship t-shirt.  I stopped and talked to her and her husband.  She told me that she was originally from Stillwater.  As a matter of fact, they were on my connecting flight to Kiev.

While checking in for the 3rd and final leg of my trip to Kiev, my seat was moved to a window seat and yet once again there is an empty seat next to me, in the middle of the section.  The empty seat began to continually remind me how Blessed and Honored we are to have the chance to travel 1/2 way across the world to adopt a special little boy who fill fill so much more than that seat!

As I landed in Kiev, in a weird way it is nice to be back to something that is somewhat familiar.  After a brief Tango conversation with Rachelle while waiting to get thru Passport Control, I met up with Sasha soon afterwards and off to his house we went.

He has a really nice place.  I met his wife Natasha and their older daughter Elizabeth.  Elizabeth showed me some of her sketches and she is very artistic when it comes to portraits, especially in the detail of the eyes.

After we ate dinner, I was able to Tango Rachelle.  She brought me up-to-speed on everything back home, especially all of those from Victory Edmond that inquired about the trip.  I continued to layout the plan here for the next few days.  We are believing that everything continues to go as planned and with no interruptions.  I slept good, but got up a couple of times throughout the night.  The good thing about being 8 hours ahead is I was able to text Rachelle back home.